Mac, Grant Access To Program For All Users

This should point you in the right direction. Basically, you do NOT want any user writing to the Program Files folder.

UAC, security and other measures are there to try and prevent this as much as possible. Essentially, if you want a single file which will be written to by all users, you will want it in the ProgramData folder, accessible through the%ALLUSERSPROFILE%, rather than the individual users' temporary folder, which is definitely what you want to do with a log file.

Mac grant access to program for all users windows 7

How To Install Program For All Users

Cartoon program for mac. Remember that the temporary folder's content should be considered volatile, and could be deleted at any time, such as by the Disk Cleanup Wizard.

Mac Grant Access To Program For All Users

This will allow for other users to use the program. You have to do all this as an Administrator. But not all programs are coded to be able to be used on any user rights other than an administrator.